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Trump and the Iranian Islamists

Trump and the Iranian Islamists:
The Threat to World Peace
Siamak A. Adibi, MD, PhD

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A few years ago, I became greatly concerned when I read in the newspapers that Donald Trump and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard have been threatening to use war to achieve their goals. When the Iranian reformists asked that their Revolutionary Guard stop warfare in the Middle East, the government responded by putting the reformists in prison. As far as Donald Trump is concerned, he has been talking of attacking several countries. The leaders of America and Iran do not seem to be aware of the legacy of Anatole France and his hope for peace among nations.

My intention in this book is to explain my concerns about whether world peace can ever be reached.

About the Author
Siamak Adibi is a graduate of John Hopkins, Jefferson Medical College, MIT, and Harvard Medical School's post-graduate program. He grew up in Iran but came to America to study medicine. His discussion of Iranian history is interwoven with stories of several generations of his family, which was prominent in Persia. In America he has served as a professor of medicine and chief gastroenterologist and in Iran as imperial chief of medicine under the Pahlavi Shah and subsequently as a medical adviser to the Islamic Republic. Serving both countries has given him a particular interest in understanding the genesis of animosity between his two countries.

Book details:
© 2018
ISBN:  978-09882500-4-8
Paperback: 40 pages
6 x 9 inches
Price: $9.95

Trump and the Iranian Islamists:
The Threat to World Peace

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